Loading themeTester ...

This dijit.layout.ContentPane is contained in a dijit.layout.AccordionContainer.

Like an TabContainer, an AccordionContainer holds a set of panes whose titles are all visible, but only one pane’s content is visible at a time.

Clicking on a pane title slides the currently-displayed one away, similar to a garage door. Users can explicitly select the pane that is to be made visible when the widget is loaded. If it is not specified, then the first pane is taken by default. In this case "calendar" is selected=true. More..Dojotoolkit.org

This page is based on the themeTester from the diojotoolset.org. However, a lot of error corrction and enhancment has been added.

The page can be loaded in three configurations:


  • rich text tooltip Embedded bold RICH text weirdness!
  • anchor tooltip tooltip on anchor
tooltip below, with showDelay
I'm below and have a showDelay: 1000!
tooltip after
I'm on the right!
(or left on RTL systems)
tooltip before
I'm on the left!
(or right on RTL systems)
tooltip above
I'm above!


Show Tooltip Dialog

Selecting a color will change the background color of the page. Use this to test how tooltips and drop downs appear with different backgrounds.

3x4 html 4


Selecting a color will change the background color of the page. Use this to test how tooltips and drop downs appear with different backgrounds.




Buttons can do an action, display a menu, or both:

Drop Down

Drop Down


Radio Buttons




dijit.form.NumberSpinner max=100


Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California New
Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California New









  • Lorem and a link, what do you think?
  • This is the Editor with a Toolbar attached.


  • Lorem and a link, what do you think?
  • This is the Editor with a Toolbar attached.


  1. 0
  2. 100

    Slider2 Value:
      1. lowest
      2. normal
      3. highest


      1. small

      2. medium

      3. large


      1. 0
      2. 100
          1. lowest
          2. normal
          3. highest

          1. small

          2. medium

          3. large


          This is a title pane (dijit.TitlePane). It can be expanded and collapsed.style:'

          A TitlePane is a pane that can be opened or collapsed, with a title on top. The visibility of the pane’s contents is toggled by activating an arrow “button” on the title bar via the mouse or keyboard. It extends ContentPane but since it isn’t used inside other layout widgets it’s not in the dijit.layout module..

          This may be used for training (first excample + the extention): TitlePane.html

          Please agree to the following terms and conditions:

          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sed suscipit massa. Aenean vel turpis tincidunt velit gravida venenatis. In iaculis urna non quam tincidunt elementum. Nunc pellentesque aliquam dui, ac facilisis massa sollicitudin et. Donec tincidunt vulputate ultrices. Duis eu risus ut ipsum auctor scelerisque non quis ante. Nam tempor lobortis justo, et rhoncus mauris cursus et. Mauris auctor congue lectus auctor ultrices. Aenean quis feugiat purus. Cras ornare vehicula tempus. Nunc placerat, lorem adipiscing condimentum sagittis, augue velit ornare odio, eget semper risus est et erat....

          Content of Tab "foo"
          Hi, I'm Tab "boo"



          dijit.InlineEditBox + dijit.form.TextBox on <h3>

          (HTML before)

          Edit me - I trigger the onChange callback

          (HTML after)

          dijit.InlineEditBox + dijit.form.Textarea

          (HTML before)

          I'm one big ‪paragraph.‬ Go ahead and edit ‪me.‬ I dare ‪you.‬ The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy ‪dog.‬ Blah blah blah blah blah blah ‪blah ...‬

          (HTML after)

          These links will disable / enable the text area above.


          (HTML inline before) (HTML after)


          (HTML inline before) (HTML after)

          dijit.form.FilteringSelect + Inline + remote data store

          (HTML inline before) Indiana (HTML after)

          Source 1

          Item X
          Item Y
          Item Z

          Source 2

          Item 1
          Item 2
          Item 3
          SubTab 1 SubTab 2

          I am tab 3, inlined.

          I am tab 4, inlined.

          This pane is closable, just for the icon ...

          You can explore this single page after applying a Theme for use in creation of your own theme.

          I am whole slew of Widgets on a page. Jump to dijit tests to test individual components.

          There is a right-click [context] pop-up menu here, as well.

          I am Tab 3

          Note that I can be closed. I you close me then I am lost! closable:true

          Unknown modal dialog (Only available if lower tab /botton 3 is available!)

          I am the second dialog. I am parented by the Low Tab Pane #3

          ContentsPane 1

          This dijit.layout.ContentPane is contained in a dijit.layout.AccordionContainer.

          Why not a dijit.layout.TabContainer ?

          Like StackContainer and TabContainer, an AccordionContainer holds a set of panes whose titles are all visible, but only one pane’s content is visible at a time. Clicking on a pane title slides the currently-displayed one away, similar to a garage door. Users can explicitly select the pane that is to be made visible when the widget is loaded. If it is not specified, then the first pane is taken by default. More..Dojotoolkit.org

          ContentsPane 2

          How to Retrieving the currently selected Container: var selectedContainer = yourContainer.selectedChildWidge

          yourContainer has to be a reference (for example: dijit.byId("myStackContainer")) to the ContainerWidget, meaning the StackContainer or any widgets inheriting from StackContainer. More..Dojotoolkit.org

          ContentsPane 3

          Here I list known issues:

          Color picker do not work with google source?

          Language select is not implemented yet!

          Note on dojox vs. dijit

          how to cache dojo source? dojo.cache


          <div id="header" data-dojo-type="dijit.MenuBar" data-dojo-props="region:'top', title:'Titel head'">

          <div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" splitter="true" region="top" title="title head">

          Java script:..

          .selectChild(obj) vs. Selectedchild:'id'

          How tro use dojo.provide()

          dojo.declare() vs. dojo.require()

          What is dojoAttachPoint, dojoAttachEvent _onClick

          onclick (html) vs. onClick (dojo)

          This page explain issus around dijit layout

          An dijit.layout.BorderContainer the higest level in the dijit layout. This container can organizize a number of design ellements e.g. some containers:

          • dijit.layout.AccordionContainer
          • dijit.layout.StackContainer
          • dijit.layout.TabContainer
          • ....

          All the containers use the dijit.layout.ContentPane as items in the container.

          Login options in dijit layout

          Login using TooltipDialog

          Note that if <button> is used here it creates problem in IE and Crome.
          Use the <div> insted:
          <div data-dojo-type="dijit.form.DropDownButton">

          Please provide your email and your password:

          Signup for a new account

          On completion of this form and verification of your answers, you will be sent a confirmation e-mail to the e-mail address you specified. Using the confirmation e-mail, you will be able to activate your account. If you fail to activate your account within seven days, it will be purged. You must specify a valid e-mail address in order to receive the account confirmation e-mail.

          Please enter your email and password:

          Lost your password?

          Signup for a new account.

          Array ( ) GET:
          Array ( )
          If you fail to activate your account within seven days, it will be purged. You must specify a valid e-mail address in order to receive the account confirmation e-mail.

          Test area

          Content of Tab "foo"
          Hi, I'm Tab "boo"