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Build your own Quality Manual or find the Check List you always missed.
In this wiki you will find a lot of use full information and free text that you may use to build your own Quality management System Documentation.
The site have 3 main areas:
Quality Manual
A complete and ISO9001 compliant Quality Manual for VirtualTeam A/S.
We have chosen to provide access to our Quality Manual on-line. We do this, as we believe in an open communication to our customers and partners. Furthermore, it is our hope that our manual may be a good inspiration for other companies.
Project Management resource base
Project Management resource base that describe the ISO9001 requirements and make references to the above mentioned Quality Manual. You will also find references to the PMBok® and Prince2®. You may also find Tips and hints to make your own Quality system In this section you will also find the Dojo_Dijit_and_HTML5_in_Real_world_applications eBook.
Check Lists
A check list is a good tool in many professional and private matters: No plane takes off before the pilot has ticked off the appropriate check list. In private life a check list for a Cross country ski trip is nice to check before you leave home. Check lists are also widely used in most business environments e.g. in quality management.
We have in collected a number of of Check Lists that you may use free of charge.
Fast links
Quality Management
- Quality Management:Contents
- Quality Management:Introduction
- Quality Management:Quality manual
- Quality Management:Quality manual/Procedures
- Quality Management:Quality manual/Procedures/Control of documents
- Quality Management:Quality manual/Procedures/Control of records
- Quality Management:Quality manual/Procedures/Internal audit
- Quality Management:Quality manual/Quality policy
- Quality Management:Quality manual/Work instructions
- Quality Management:Quality manual/Work instructions/JavaScript coding standard
- Quality Management:Quality manual/Work instructions/PHP coding standard
- Quality Management:Quality manual/Work instructions/Release Note
- Quality Management:Quality objectives
- Quality Management:Templates
- Quality Management:Templates/Source Code file header
Project Management resource base
- Catching Fire
- Cool Project
- Cool Project/User role
- Dojo Dijit and HTML5 in Real world applications
- Dojo Dijit and HTML5 in Real world applications/CSS/117 reasons why CSS dont work
- Dojo Dijit and HTML5 in Real world applications/Dijit
- Dojo Dijit and HTML5 in Real world applications/Dijit/Double and single quotes in HTML5 dijits
- Dojo Dijit and HTML5 in Real world applications/Dijit/dijit.Dialog
- Dojo Dijit and HTML5 in Real world applications/Dijit/dijit.Tooltip
- Dojo Dijit and HTML5 in Real world applications/Dijit/dijit.Tree
- Dojo Dijit and HTML5 in Real world applications/Dijit/dijit.byId
- Dojo Dijit and HTML5 in Real world applications/Dijit/dijit.form.Button
- Dojo Dijit and HTML5 in Real world applications/Dijit/dijit.form.Form
- Dojo Dijit and HTML5 in Real world applications/Dijit/dijit.form.Select
- Dojo Dijit and HTML5 in Real world applications/Dojo
- Dojo Dijit and HTML5 in Real world applications/Dojo/dojo.Deferred
- Dojo Dijit and HTML5 in Real world applications/Dojo/dojo.addOnLoad
- Dojo Dijit and HTML5 in Real world applications/Dojo/dojo.keys
- Dojo Dijit and HTML5 in Real world applications/Dojo/dojo.ready
- Dojo Dijit and HTML5 in Real world applications/Dojo/dojo.xhrPost
- Dojo Dijit and HTML5 in Real world applications/Dojox
- Dojo Dijit and HTML5 in Real world applications/Dojox/dojox.grid.DataGrid
- Dojo Dijit and HTML5 in Real world applications/HTML5
- Dojo Dijit and HTML5 in Real world applications/HTML5/Declarative VS. Programmatic dijit vidget
- Dojo Dijit and HTML5 in Real world applications/Template
- Dojo Dijit and HTML5 in Real world applications/University
- Dojo Dijit and HTML5 in Real world applications/University/1. Introduction
- Dojo Dijit and HTML5 in Real world applications/University/13. HTML 5
- Dojo Dijit and HTML5 in Real world applications/University/14. CSS3
- Dojo Dijit and HTML5 in Real world applications/University/2. Advanced Java script I
- Dojo Dijit and HTML5 in Real world applications/University/3. Advanced JavaScript II
- Dojo Dijit and HTML5 in Real world applications/University/4. JavaScript frame works
- Knitting terminology
- Main Page
- Project Management resource base
- Project Management resource base/Prince2 vs. PMBOK
- Project Management resource base/SA8000 vs ISO26000
- SA8000 vs ISO26000
- Tips and hints/make your own Quality system
Check lists
- Check Lists:Business developement
- Check Lists:Business developement/Reference management solutions
- Check Lists:Business developement/Stiftelse af dansk aktieselskab
- Check Lists:Contents
- Check Lists:IT security
- Check Lists:IT security/Mobile solutions
- Check Lists:Management
- Check Lists:Management/Due diligence Business acquisition
- Check Lists:Management/Meetings
- Check Lists:Management/salg af NanoCover Scandinavia Rovsing Management Group aktier CVR 29168547
- Check Lists:Marketing
- Check Lists:Marketing/Customer survey
- Check Lists:Marketing/Portfolio presentation
- Check Lists:Personnel management
- Check Lists:Personnel management/After a month on work
- Check Lists:Personnel management/After a week on work
- Check Lists:Personnel management/Performance appraisal
- Check Lists:Project Management
- Check Lists:Project Management/Project Audit
- Check Lists:Project Management/Project documentation
- Check Lists:Project Management/Test
- Check Lists:Quality Management
- Check Lists:Quality Management/Audit opening meeting
- Check Lists:Quality Management/Customer KPI
- Check Lists:Quality Management/Management review
- Check Lists:Quality Management/Peer review
- Check Lists:Web
- Check Lists:Web/Cookies
- Check Lists:Web/Dijit issues using DropDownButton
- Check Lists:Web/Dojo HTML5 vs HTML4 Declarative vs Programmatic