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Enhanced version (HTML5) of user.sitepen.com/~dwalsh/dijit-forms.html

Dijit Form Examples - in HTML 5

Form with validation without focus

This excample shows a number of validations:
The name must be 3 to 10 Characters long!
The mail must be in mail format and the web adr. must be ftp or http etc.

The form will only be send if validation succeed!

First Name:
Second Name:
Email (dojo.validate):
Email (regExp):
Date of Birth:
Send Emails?
Email Format:    

Forms with validation with focus() on second name

First Name:
Second Name:

Form that compare two entered passwords

This form has an regExp that limit the first password to the following conditions: Min 6 characters. Min. one number one lower case on capital letter

The Regular Expression used is: '^.*(?=.{6,})(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[0-9]).*$',

Only the "confirm password has data-dojo-props="type:'password'" that is because this is for testing only!

Note: The <form> element must contain a data-dojo-id othervice the form.getValues() wont work!

Password :
Confirm Password : 
Email (dojo.validate):  
Email (regExp):