| fset_1 |

Demo: HTML5 Declarative dojox.grid.DataGrid: Column styling

This page demonstrate the use of: dojox.grid.DataGrid and shows an easy way to style the columns of the grid

The page use data from phone_action.php?request=selectData

The cells may be styled by the dojox.grid.DataGrid function formatter. In this page 3 different type of functions are shown:

Id First Name Last Name Phone Number Action

If you select "Add Row" two times, it will generate an error - because two errors may not have the same identifier. In this case an empty identifier!

Show HTML code [fset_1] | Show HTML code [gridNode] | Reload page [window.location.reload()] |

The java script to do this is:
dojo.byId('htmlTextBox').value = dojo.byId('text_group').innerHTML;