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Dojo Dijit and HTML5 in Real world applications

Simple Dialog box with/without scrollbar

Click the buttons to see one of the two popup dialogs: One with a scrollbar and the other one with auto size:

This demo is implemented WITHOUT a soft loader: (If you arraive from the softloaded page you might need to press F5 to see how the page loads).

Return to the soft loaded page Link to the description of the soft loader function

This dijit.Dialog has a scrollbar because width and hight has been specified inside the Pane:

<div style="width: 350px; height: 100px; overflow: auto;">

Note: The Tooltip property is not implemented for the dijit.Dialog!

This dijit.Dialog has NO scrollbar because width and hight has NOT been specified inside the Pane:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean semper sagittis velit. Cras in mi. Duis porta mauris ut ligula. Proin porta rutrum lacus. Etiam consequat scelerisque quam. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas luctus venenatis nulla. In sit amet dui non mi semper iaculis. Sed molestie tortor at ipsum. Morbi dictum rutrum magna. Sed vitae risus.

This dijit.Dialog has a scrollbar, however, with an unexpected result because width and height has been specified in the dijit.Dialog properties:

style: 'width: 350px; height: 100px; overflow: auto;'

Note: The Tooltip property is not implemented for the dijit.Dialog!

Show HTML code [show_html()] | Reload page [window.location.reload()] |