Tekse skdøsadøæfødfg s sdføgdfødf dsføksdgødfæ dsfældflkglædfk

5.123,45 (000000)
5.123,45 (DarkRed)
5.123,45 (AF0000)
5.123,45 (CF0000)
5.123,45 (EF0000)
5.123,45 (red)


Note that text-overflow only occurs when the container's overflow property has the value hidden, scroll or auto and white-space: nowrap;.

This is a dropdown with max-width styling...

This is a normal dropdown without styling...

Mercedes benz is the best car in the world - however some people do not like it

Max-width 50%: Mercedes benz is the best car in the world - however some people do not like it


The text-overflow Property

The following two divs contains a text that will not fit in the box.

text-overflow: clip (default):

Hello world!

text-overflow: ellipsis:

Hello world!

text-overflow: "----" (user defined string):

Hello world!

Note: The text-overflow: "string" only works in Firefox.